How to Receive As A Creator

William Willis
2 min readJul 1, 2021

“Giving does not only precede receiving; it is the reason for it. It is in giving that we receive.” ― Israelmore Ayivor

When is the last time you expressed gratitude or showed appreciation?

“God gave you a gift of 86,400 seconds today. Have you used one to say ‘thank you?’” [William Arthur Ward] In this seething creator economy, giving is only half of the equation. You must know how to receive.

By only giving or receiving, you fail to do both properly.

Giving in the creator economy is the foundation of success. By providing value to others early and often, you establish credibility and trust. What follows is others building on your value by providing their own.

Giving value is what initially attracts people. Receiving with grace is what keeps them coming back. “Gratitude is like a magnet; the more grateful you are, the more you will receive to be grateful for.” [Iyanla Vanzant]

Fail to receive the gifts of others with grace, and people initially drawn to you will seek out greener pastures where the value they return is appreciated. Like love, you must tend to the credibility and trust you have built, lest it wither away and die on the vine.

First understand the following realities:

  • Above all else, you are worthy to receive gifts from others.
  • True giving comes with no expectations; however, not acknowledging a gift in return can lead to discontent and less engagement.
  • Don’t confuse receiving with taking. The person giving must take pleasure in the act with no expectations; otherwise, giving becomes a transaction.
  • Receiving is a skill. Practice it.

How do you receive?

  • Always do it with grace and humility.
  • Acknowledge every gift you receive at a minimum (likes).
  • Go one step further by elaborating on why you value every gift (comments).
  • Don’t let any comment or message go without a small gesture of value in return.

The key to receiving is thankfulness with small gestures of value. Pair receiving with giving, and you achieve a virtuous cycle where one feeds the other.



William Willis

Professional Coach: I write about motivation through meaning, becoming who you aspire to be, improving a little each day and reaching high performance.